Union Mill Union Mill, Cranbrook
Registered charity no.1031879

Cranbrook Windmill Association and Volunteering


Cranbrook Windmill Association was founded in 1982 by a small number of members of the local community who, whilst they knew nothing about Windmills, were passionate that Union Mill (probably the finest Windmill in the Country) should be open to Visitors. They even dreamed that one day the Mill might be restored to full working order and that Cranbrook might once again enjoy the sight of the “Sweeps” turning and flour being milled - AND their dreams have come true!


MillingFrom this small band there is now a group of around 50 Volunteer Stewards who share their enthusiasm and enable us to open the Mill to the Public, to Schools, and to other Groups. Volunteer Stewards meet and greet our Visitors, and after a short training programme, find that they are able to pass on the history of the Mill and of the skills that the Miller would have possessed. Opportunities also exist, for those who wish to assist, in manning the Mill Shop and for those who might want to train to become Millers themselves.



Peak StonesOur Volunteers are of diverse backgrounds and ages: some have just left school, some fit time in around work and family commitments, whilst others are retired. One thing that they have in common is that they get a great deal of enjoyment from what they do. As a new volunteer, you will quickly find yourself enthusing about Cranbrook’s Grade 1 Listed Windmill, and at the same time meeting many new friends. You don't need any specific skills or experience. There is no minimum commitment, although we hope that you will be able to Volunteer on at least 4 afternoons each season. (We open each Saturday and Bank Holiday from Easter until the end of September, and on Sundays in the School Summer holiday. Click HERE for precise dates. Also Stewards are needed to escort Groups at other times.)


If you would like to know more, please email expressing your interest and with contact details we will get in touch.